Pure happiness

.We got back from vacation this weekend. Our trip to Sweden couldn't have been better. It was relaxing, we got to meet family and all of our friends, and we enjoyed a lot of time outdoors.

One day we went to a farm where we got to go on a ride with a horse and old milk carriage. We went around the village and forest for almost an hour. It was like stepping back in time. It was so beautiful and I felt so grateful for that moment. I remembered thinking that I need to remember that feeling when I get back to work. Pure happiness.

My son and daughter on the milk carriage.

hourse ride

Feng Shui Makeover - happiness

.I'm continuing my Feng Shui journey to improve happiness. I've found that soothing sounds of nature make for a calming environment and impact happiness. Try to create a playlist of natural sounds; gentle ocean waves, mountain streams, birds, a gentle breeze through the trees etc. When you listen to sounds of nature, your heart rate slows down, your breathing becomes more expansive and your nerves are calmed. It's important that it is a recording that’s made from the actual sounds of nature (not electronically produced), since the life-force energy flowing from natural surroundings will be healing for your body and mind. When your space is calm, your thoughts slow down and you can begin to hear the guidance from your soul.

We've started playing nature sounds and calming music every evening, and we've found that the entire family is calmer. Dinner time and homework is a calm experience now = happiness.


Quality of life

.I talk a lot about how to take care of yourself so that you can be healthy and enjoy life, I post delicious recipes which are healthy and easy to cook, I talk about how to make your surroundings pretty, and give lots of tips on how to save time so that you have extra time for the things you enjoy doing. In other words - all things that contribute to quality of life.

But one of the key things to having quality of life is figuring out what makes you happy and what you enjoy doing in your free time. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? When I started eating according to the ketogenic lifestyle I found that I had a lot of extra time (all that time I had spent on planning and thinking about food I now had back), and I needed more things to do and a new hobby. I started knitting!

I picked knitting for several reasons. I've have always wanted to learn to meditate, but without any success. When I start knitting I get so absorbed into the knitting and reading the directions that it becomes my own meditation. It clears my mind and calms me. Another reason is that I feel connected to my mom who passed away last August. She had a favorite pattern she would follow to make potholders, which our friends loved to receive as gifts. Now I'm keeping the tradition going at the same time as I'm taking care of my mind and soul.

So what is your favorite thing to do? Do you have a hobby that makes you happy and feeds your soul?

My next project?


Photo: Pinterest

Gratitude and happiness

.Phd. Robert A. Emmons recently conducted a study on gratitude at UC Davis which proved measurable benefits on psychological, physical, and interpersonal health for subjects who practice gratitude. He wrote that "Evidence on gratitude contradicts the widely held view that all people have a 'set-point' of happiness that cannot be reset by any known means." That means you can actually be happier if you practice gratitude. Gratitude and happiness - now proven by science.

So what are you thankful for today?

- Your family - Your friends - The nice weather - The smile you just got from someone - The great cup of coffee you are enjoying right now

So many things to be grateful for, and remember, it's the little things that make a big difference. So say thank you every day and let's live!

Oprah pinterest

Quality of life for everyone

.Last week’s events and this past weekend has made me reflect on my life and made me so appreciative about what life has given me.

As I mentioned earlier, last week I was fortunate to hear Jessika Kensky speak. Jessica was one of the victims in last year’s Marathon Bombing here in Boston. On Saturday my co-leader Jennifer and I volunteered at a local soup kitchen with our Girl Scout troop. The day was very humbling and rewarding. It made me not only very thankful for what I have, but it also made me realize that we have a responsibility to use what we have been given in life. Use it to help others. Part of that means to take care of yourself, so that you can take care of others. Taking the time to exercise doesn’t mean that you are selfish.

Take a moment today to say thank you, and then take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. Quality of life for everyone.

Let’s live!

Time saving tips #5 - live in the moment

.This morning when I looked at the list of things that needs to be done this week, I couldn't help to feel a little bit overwhelmed. Lots of projects at work, tons of kids activities to keep track of etc etc. So what would be more perfect than living by my own words and reminding myself of how to stay sane:

• Live in the moment – don’t stress about tomorrow. Focus on what needs to be done today and tackle one task after another. • Let it go – I can’t go to my daughter’s Girl Scout tea party on Friday because of work. But you know what? She will go with her friends and have fun without me. I’ve taken her the last 3 years, so I don’t need to feel guilty. I’m letting it go. • Focus - stop checking texts when your friends are right in front of you. Stop watching TV while you eat. Don’t surf the web while you’re on the phone. Multitasking doesn’t always say you time.

These steps will not only save you time and make you more efficient in finishing tasks, studies also shows that these steps will significantly decreases depression and increase happiness!

I feel better already! :)


.This morning before I left for work I asked my 11 year old daughter what little thing she would do today that would bring herself or someone else happiness.

I’m going to email a person I’ve never met and suggest we meet for coffee. Meeting new people = happiness. What are you going to do to feel good today? Let’s live!