Pepperoni chips

    I've found a new great keto/lchf snack! Pepperoni chips. Super tasty, super quick, super I need to continue?!

    Place the pepperoni on a piece of paper towel

    Pepperoni chips

    Cook the pepperoni in the microwave. I had to try different times until I found the right consistency. I figured out that 40 seconds was the perfect time on my microwave. You might have to experiment a couple of times until the chips get the right crispiness.

    Pepperoni chips

    Crispy tasty pepperoni chips! They are great with a garlic dip (full fat sourcream, chopped garlic and salt).

    Pepperoni chips

keto and lchf inspired school lunch

Yesterday school started so it's back to start packing school lunches again. My children (kindergarten and 6th grade) don't follow the LCHF/keto lifestyle, but they come pretty close. We save candy eating for Saturdays only and we stay away from processed food as much as we can.

Here are some keto and lchf inspired school lunch examples:

6th Grade lunch example: Snack - Babybell cheese and carrots Lunch - Turkey, raspberries and almonds

Kindergarten lunch example: Snack - Babybell and apple Lunch - yougurt, carrots and crackers

Since it's all about keeping a balance we splurge with popcorn, whole grain crackers or dark chocolate on Fridays. I want them to know that no food is forbidden, we just don't eat them all the time.

lunch bags

LCHF/Keto breakfast ideas

    There are many breakfast recipes and dishes while following the LCHF/ketogenic lifestyle. No worries of getting bored. What I like about these recipes is that they are not only quick and easy, they are also very filling so I never go hungry.

    Below are some LCHF/keto breakfast ideas. You can find the recipes in my book - Eat more Fat, Fatty - and lose weight.

  • Scrambled Eggs with Bacon
  • Boiled Eggs with Butter
  • Bacon Pancakes
  • Omelets
  • Mushroom, Ham, and Peppers
  • Spinach, Tomato, and Onion
  • Scrambled Pancakes
  • Coconut Waffles
  • Magic Bullet Coffee
  • Turkey, Ham, and Roast Beef Roll-ups
  • Muffin Omelets
    • This is my favorite Sunday breakfast. Coconut Waffles. What is your favorite breakfast?

    Coconut Waffles

Health magazine article

    Interesting Health magazine article questioning if butter is really back. The article states that it is wrong to think all fat is good for you, and promotes the low-fat diet. What the article doesn't clarify is how to consume the fat to see full benefit of the lifestyle. Disappointing. This article just confuses people more.

    As I always say, make your own opinion. Seek out information and research, use your commonsense and find out what works for you. I follow the LCHF/keto lifestyle

    The Health magazine article

      Health Magazine article

      Healthe magazine article

LCHF/ketogenic recipe - Broccoli Salad

    This week's Summer salad - Broccoli Salad. A filling salad full of nutrition and taste.

    Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 15 mins Total time: 20 mins

    4 servings

    Ingredients • 1/2 pound bacon • 1 red onion • 2 heads fresh broccoli • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar • 1 cup mayonnaise • 3/4 cup sliced almonds

    Directions 1. Place bacon in a deep skillet and cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Cool and crumble. 2. Cut the broccoli into bite-size pieces and cut the onion into thin bite-size slices. Place in a large bowl. 3. Add the bacon and almonds and mix well. 3. To prepare the dressing, mix the mayonnaise and vinegar together until smooth. Stir into the salad, let chill and serve.


I can't give up bananas!

I don't know how many times I've heard - I can't give up bananas! I won't get my potassium if I do - as an argument why people can't give up fruits and follow the LCHF/ketogenic lifestyle. But there are many other foods that will give you potassium, and in even higher quantities than bananas.

All these provide more potassium than bananas. And they are all LCHF/keto approved with their low carbs and low sugar contents.

  • Dark leafy greens
  • Fish
  • Avocado
  • Mushrooms
  • If you are craving fruits, go for raspberries, strawberries or blueberries. No need to feel deprived!


    Fatburger Hates Gluten, Launches the Double Down of Burgers

    .Great to see Fatburger's new burger! One more restaurant stepping in the right direction and serving the right food.

    "Fatburger is debuting a "protein style burger" which features hamburgers for buns. According to the press release, it's comprised of lettuce, pickled, relish, onion, and mustard sandwiched between two lean burger patties. The gluten-averse burger will debut at the chain's Beverly Hills location today before making its way to menus nationwide"

    Article: Fatburger Hates Gluten, Launches the Double Down of Burgers.


    Parsley butter

    .Parsley butter is one of my favorite condiments and an easy way to add your fat to your diet. I eat it with both meat and seafood. I included a recipe for parsley butter in my book, but this week I created another recipe which doesn't include as many ingredients:

    Ingredients • 2 sticks of butter • 1/2 cup of parsley • A pinch of salt • A pinch of garlic powder • 1 garlic clove, crushed

    Directions • Leave the sticks of butter in room temperature until soft. • Add all the ingredients to the butter and mix well using your hands. • Place the butter in a roll on a piece of parchment paper and roll it up. • Place the roll in the fridge until it hardens. Slice it up and serve with meat and seafood.


    parsley butter

    Entertaining with LCHF/Ketogenic foods

    .I get a lot of questions regarding entertaining with LCHF/Ketogenic foods. We had friends over this weekend and I was able to adjust every recipe easily so that both keto and non-keto eaters were happy. The key is to serve a Clean Eating menu with keto condiments, so that everyone can pick and adjust their plate to what they want to eat.

    I changed our favorite potato salad to a keto dish by swapping the potatoes with cucumber. It was great to see all non-keto eaters choosing the cucumber salad over the potato salad.

    Ingredients • 1 cucumber • 1 cup of cherry tomatoes, halved • 1/4 cup of red onion (less if it's strong), chopped • I 8.05 oz bottle of California sun-dried tomatoes, keep the oil • 1 garlic clove • 1/4 cup olive oil • 1 cap red wine vinegar • I box of feta cheese cubes

    Directions • Rinse and chop the cucumber in big chunks and place them in a large bowl • Rinse the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. Add them to the cucumbers. • Chop the red onion. Add them to the cucumber and tomatoes. • Pour the oil from the


    . keto dinner

    Eating out healthy

    .Even though we have a kitchen in our vacation house we end up eating out a lot. It's not always easy to find healthy options. Here are some helpful advice on eating out healthy:

    1. Don't be afraid of asking Most restaurants don't mind if you change the meal. Ask them to hold the french fries and give you more vegetable/salad.

    2. Try to find a buffet That way you can pick plenty of veggies and protein. Stay away from veggies which grow in the ground and corn. Use olive oil as dressing.

    3. Think clean eating Go to a restaurant which offer a menu where you can find grilled chicken/beef with veggies vs. stews etc.

    4. Dessert A cheese platter is a great dessert, or berries with whip cream. That way you don't need to say no to dessert!

    Chicken with roasted cherry tomato and basil sauce

    .Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 30 mins

    Chicken with roasted cherry tomato and basil sauce - a clean eating and ketogenic recipe the entire family will love. I have a child who doesn't like sauce (I know, who doesn't like sauce?!) which is why this recipe is ideal for a pleasant family dinner since I can serve the chicken separate. If you are following a ketogenic lifestyle you just remove the rice.

    Ingredients • Olive oil • 1 pound cherry tomatoes • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast (6 oz each) • cup coarsely chopped fresh basil • ¼ cup half and half cream • Brown rice • Salad; lettuce, 2 tomatoes and cucumber

    Directions 1. Clean and chop the tomatoes and cucumber. Mix with the lettuce in a serving bowl and set aside. 2. Preheat oven to 400° degrees. 3. Place tomatoes in a large shallow baking dish and sprinkle them with olive oil (making sure they are all covered). 4. Roast the tomatoes, uncovered, about 20 minutes or until they are soft. 5. Meanwhile, put on the rice to cook following the directions on the packaging. 6. While the tomatoes and rice are cooking, heat up a pan on medium heat and add a little olive oil. 7. Add the chicken and cook both sides until cooked through. Cover the chicken and let stand for 5 minutes. 8. When the tomatoes are done roasting, put half of them in a blender and mix until smooth. 9. Place the mixture in a medium saucepan with the basil and the cream; cook, stirring, over low heat, until heated through. 10. Serve the chicken topped with sauce, remaining tomatoes, rice and salad.


    Clean eating and ketogenic recipe - baked eggplant mozzarella

    .Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 30 mins

    You can't never go wrong with veggies and cheese...Here is a flavorful and healthy recipe - baked eggplant mozzarella. Just replace the bread with a salad and you have a ketogenic meal.

    Ingredients • 2 eggplants • 3 tbsp olive oil • 1 onion • 1 garlic clove • 8 oz can chopped tomatoes • 1 tbsp tomato purée • 10 oz fresh mozzarella cheese • Salt and pepper • Fresh basil • Hearty whole wheat bread

    Instructions 1. Turn on the oven on 400°F. 2. Chop the onion and put it to the side. 3. Crush the garlic and put to the side. 4. Slice up 8 slices of the mozzarella cheese and put them to the side. 5. Clean the eggplant and slice them in the middle lengthwise. 6. Brush the eggplant with 2 tbsp of the oil and place the four pieces on a baking sheet. 7. Roast the eggplant in the oven for 20 minutes. 8. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a frying pan. 9. Add the onion and the garlic to the pan and cook until the onion is soft and is starting to brown. 10. Add the tomatoes and tomato purée and let simmer for about 5 minutes or until the sauce has thickened. 11. Remove the eggplant from the oven and cover each half with sauce and 2 mozzarella slices. 12. Season to taste with salt and pepper and return to the oven for about 4-5 minutes to melt the cheese. 13. Remove from the oven, scatter with basil leaves and serve.


    The war on fat

    .I'm so thankful for the latest issue of TIME magazine covering fat and the proof that consuming fat is not dangerous to your health. It's wonderful to see our message reaching more people and opening doors to healthy lives. But many are new to the ketogenic lifestyle and will need the right information to be successful.

    Excerpt from my book:

    Eat more fat, Fatty! and lose weight.

    The ketogenic lifestyle is a high-fat, adequate-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. In other words, eating limited healthy carbohydrates and lots of healthy fats. A ketogenic lifestyle means consuming real homecooked meals made out of quality produce, and it means feeding your body wholesome goodness. This also means removing all sugar and processed foods from your diet.

    Some people think that the ketogenic diet is a high-protein diet, which is not true. You simply replace the unhealthy carbohydrates (processed foods) with high-quality carbohydrates (vegetables) and replace store bought sauces with homemade sauces made with oil or real butter. You don’t make the portion sizes bigger. You just increase the percentage of fat so that you don’t have to be hungry. It’s that simple.

    TIME Magazine

    Clean eating and ketogenic/LCHF recipe - Shrimp Tacos

    .A quick healthy meal which the whole family will love - shrimp tacos. Skip the tortillas to make it a ketogenic recipe and switch out the fat-free Greek yogurt for full-fat yogurt.

    Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 30 mins Shrimp Tacos Ingredients • 1 lb shrimp • 6 oz fat free Greek yogurt • ¼ cup chopped cilantro • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice • 1/4-1/2 tsp cayenne pepper • ½ a head of cabbage, thinly sliced (about 5 cups) • 8 corn tortillas • 4 tsp extra virgin olive oil • Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. Defrost and clean the shrimp. 2. Heat tortillas over medium heat in a dry skillet until warm and starting to form small brown spots, or in the microwave for a few seconds. Set aside on a plate covered with a clean kitchen towel. 3. Chop the cilantro. 4. Mix yogurt, cayenne, lime juice, cilantro, & salt in a small bowl, set aside. 5. Heat two teaspoons of olive oil in a medium non-stick skillet and add cabbage. Cook for about four minutes or until the cabbage is just barely wilted. Season with salt and pepper and set aside. 6. Meanwhile, cut shrimp into thirds, so you have little bite size pieces. 7. In another pan, sauté the shrimp in two teaspoons of olive oil and season with salt, pepper and a dash of cayenne pepper over medium heat just until done. They cook up in just a few minutes so be careful not to over-cook them.. 8. To serve the tacos, place a scoop of cabbage on the warmed tortillas taco, then top with shrimp, and cilantro sauce


    Clean eating and ketogenic/lchf recipe - Ratatouille

    .You can never go wrong with a flavorful vegetarian dish. This Ratatouille is packed with bell peppers which are an excellent source of carotenoids, vitamin A and C, and also a source of over 30 different members of the carotenoid nutrient family. So yummy and super healthy! Skip the bread to make the recipe ketogenic.

    Prep time: 15 mins Cook time: 30-35 mins Total time: 45-50 mins


    Ingredients • 1 red pepper • 1 green pepper • 1 yellow pepper • 2 yellow onions • 1 small eggplant • 1 zucchini • 3 garlic cloves • 3 tbsp olive oil • 2 8oz crushed tomatoes • ½ tbsp sugar (optional) • Salt and pepper • Whole wheat bread

    Instructions 1. Rinse all vegetables and cut them up 1-inch pieces. 2. Chop the garlic. 3. Heat up the oil in a large pot on low heat. 4. Add the garlic and vegetables and cook stirring for about 5 minutes. Make sure the vegetables cook without getting any color. 5. Add the crushed tomatoes and let simmer on low heat under a lid for about 30 minutes. 6. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Add sugar if you like (this will enhance the taste of the tomatoes). 7. Pour into a serving bowl. 8. Serve with the whole wheat bread.


    Clean eating and ketogenic/LCHG recipe - Cilantro Chicken with Cauliflower

    .This Cilantro Chicken with Cauliflower recipe is a staple in our house. The cauliflower is a great vegetable. Not only is it packed with vitamin C but also low in carbs. I serve the dish to my kids with the pasta, but of course I skip it to make it a ketogenic meal.

    Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 35 mins Total time: 40 mins

    Cilantro Chicken with Cauliflower

    Ingredients • 1 tbsp olive oil • 2 ½ pounds bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs (about 8) • Salt and black pepper • 1 head cauliflower (about 11/2 pounds) • ¼ tsp crushed red pepper • 1 lime (1 tbsp fresh lime juice, plus lime wedges for serving) • ½ cup fresh cilantro leaves • Penne pasta Directions 1. Cut the cauliflower into florets. 2. Heat oven to 450° degrees. 3. Heat the oil in a large ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat. Season the chicken with ½ tsp salt and ¼ tsp black pepper. 4. Working in batches, cook the chicken skin-side down until crisp and golden, 6 to 7 minutes. Transfer to a plate; reserve the drippings in the skillet. 5. Cook the pasta following the direction on the packaging. 6. Meanwhile, pour off all but 2 tbsp of the drippings from the skillet. Add the cauliflower, chilies, and ¼ tsp each salt and black pepper; toss to coat. Nestle the chicken skin-side up in the cauliflower, transfer to oven, and roast until the cauliflower is tender and the chicken is cooked through, 20 to 22 minutes. 7. Add the lime juice and cilantro to the skillet and toss to combine. Serve with the pasta and lime wedges. Enjoy!

    Clean eating and ketogenic/LCHG recipe - Chicken with roasted cherry tomato and basil sauce

    .A great summer chicken recipe that works for both clean eating and ketogenic/LCHF (skip the rice) - Chicken with roasted cherry tomato and basil sauce.

    Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 30 mins

    Ingredients • Olive oil • 1 pound cherry tomatoes • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast (6 oz each) • cup coarsely chopped fresh basil • ¼ cup half and half cream • Brown rice • Salad; lettuce, 2 tomatoes and cucumber

    Directions 1. Clean and chop the tomatoes and cucumber. Mix with the lettuce in a serving bowl and set aside. 2. Preheat oven to 400° degrees. 3. Place tomatoes in a large shallow baking dish and sprinkle them with olive oil (making sure they are all covered). 4. Roast the tomatoes, uncovered, about 20 minutes or until they are soft. 5. Meanwhile, put on the rice to cook following the directions on the packaging. 6. While the tomatoes and rice are cooking, heat up a pan on medium heat and add a little olive oil. 7. Add the chicken and cook both sides until cooked through. Cover the chicken and let stand for 5 minutes. 8. When the tomatoes are done roasting, put half of them in a blender and mix until smooth. 9. Place the mixture in a medium saucepan with the basil and the cream; cook, stirring, over low heat, until heated through. 10. Serve the chicken topped with sauce, remaining tomatoes, rice and salad.
