Feng Shui Makeover - your career

.Time for another feng shui post. This is about your career.

By updating our office space we can attract success in our careers:

- Personalize your office space and express who you are. - Add career inspiration to your office. Add photos of people who inspire you, or classical feng shui career success images such as a running horse. - Make sure the energy can flow through your office by keeping it clean and organized. - Move your desk so that you don't sit with your back to the door or the window. - Stimulate creativity by adding vibrant colors. - Keep healthy green plants in your office to purify the air and bring fresh and vibrant energy. - Adding a map of the world in your office is a good feng shui cure to open up your career path to more possibilities.

My home office. The room has four doors so it's impossible to not have my back to the door. We will see how it will impact my career...
